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Houston Licensed Professional Counselors Association

January Monthly CEU Meeting: TMS Therapy: A Unique and Proven Approach to Treating Depression

  • 01/12/2018
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Houston Baptist University, in the Hinton Center Building Room 139. Use entrance #3 off Beechnut. (7502 Fondren, Houston, TX 77074)

Dr. Cress is the leading provider and expert in Texas with 7 years clinical experience, and over 10,000 treatments.  She has had 3 papers published by APA and 6 by the Clinical TMS Society.  She also serves as a board member on Clinical TMS Society.  

Dr. Kimberly Cress can be reached at the TMS Serenity Center 

Program Description:

An overview of TMS treatment including a history of how TMS evolved, how TMS works, studies that demonstrate efficacy in the treatment of Major depression as well as who are the right candidates for TMS.

Learning Objectives:

1. How TMS works

2. Who is the right candidate for TMS

3. Why choose TMS over other treatment options for MDD

4. Research utilizing TMS for treatment of other psychiatric illnesses

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