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Houston Licensed Professional Counselors Association

3 Hour Ethics Workshop- “Boundaries and Ethical Dilemmas for Texas LPCs while working with Challenging Clients and Difficult Situations”

  • 11/11/2017
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • NEW LOCATION: Houston Baptist University- (near Hwy 59 and Beechnut), Hinton Building room 113 (#2) on the map. Use entrance #3 off Beechnut. (7502 Fondren, Houston, TX 77074) https://outlook.office.com/owa/?path=/attachmentlightbox


  • For members and non-members who have not pre-registered.
  • (If you are not a current member and wish to join, BEFORE registering for workshop, click on JOIN US. Then complete workshop registration for discounted fee.)
  • membership not required

Registration is closed

Presenter: Lara M Allen, MS., LPC-Supervisor, is with The Center for Emotional Wellness LLC

This workshop with assist the clinician with developing a decision making model so he/she will be equipped to handle a variety of ethical challenges.  It will include an interactive portion, along with case scenarios and discussion.  Also included will be discussions and descriptions of the LPC ethics codes as they apply to challenging counseling situations. 

 Program will include the following objectives?

  1. Determine ethical courses of action as applied to the LPC ethics code
  2. Develop a model for ethical decision making for complicated counseling situations.
  3. Identify ethical pitfalls and dilemmas experienced by most clinicians. 

Will include new requirement of 1 hour ethics credit specific to Texas LPC ethics laws effective July 16, 2017 (https://www.dshs.texas.gov/counselor/docs/FinalRules681-20170716.doc)

Check-in begins at 8:30 am. 

Pre-registration is required.


Continental breakfast available.

HLPCA Professional member early registration $35.00 thru 11/04/17

LPC-I and Graduate Students registration $15.00 thru Friday 11/04/17 

Non-member early registration $55.00 thru 10/15/17

Non-member late registration $65.00 thru Friday 11/04/17

Become a member PRIOR to registering for the workshop and pay the member price.  Then enjoy membership through 12/31/18. www.houstonlpcassociation.org Click on join us.

Limited seating at the door $75.00- all registrants- Check, credit card, or exact change only please.

HLPCA is an approved CEU provider for LPC, LMSW, LMFT, & LCDC in Texas. Please check with your licensing board to verify other approvals.

Please contact Patti Lawlor at patricil@wcjc.edu with questions.

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